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Subsea Opportunity

32 Points Manning Brand Logo

ROV Mariners

Subsea Companies are in need of ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) Mariners.


Alicia does not anything about ROV. She sucks at driving games. 


This page is a duplicate of Job Seekers page.


The button below leads to Digisigner's ROV Intake form.

Submit your information to become a part of our database and gain access to Job Orders!

Click on the ONLINE INTAKE FORM to fill out an Intake form and attach your documents. These are the documents you need: (A Resume, All pages of your USCG license/credentials [MMC], Medical card, Passport, TWIC, any pertinent certifications that are not already stamped on your license {such as DPO, Crane Op, etc.}We highly recommend a letter of recommendation or an old performance evaluation).


  • You must possess a United States Coast Guard license/credentials and a valid medical to work with us unless we have told you otherwise.

  • Only US Citizens or those authorized to work in the U.S.

  • We only have jobs for experienced mariners. We do not have entry level jobs available.

  • IF YOU ARE HERE TO UPDATE YOUR PROFILE: you can email any information or documents to the following email address:


If you are here to fill out a Performance Evaulation for another mariner please click the button below:

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